I'm skeptical by nature and the first few times I used it my errors were more than they should have been. Now that I've taken more care to the fundamentals of using it, my success rate is consistent and reliable.
We have a large piece of property and are in the process of rebuilding after a forest fire in 2022. The property is on a hillside so there are many elevation changes. Previously I had used a transit when I wanted to measure portions of the property and to determine elevation changes. The transit is a great tool, but it takes quite a bit of work to really get an accurate layout, especially of elevation data.
Now with the Moasure I am able to measure large pieces of the property easily and quickly. Recently I have been using a program called Home Designer Pro to design our new house and landscaping. The program allows you to import terrain data and I was able to use the data from Moasure directly in the program. It took me a little while to get everything lined up, but now that I have it is completely accurate. I've added a couple of photos of the Moasure project I'm working on and the Home Designer file with the elevation data shown in 3D. The Moasure project consists of 4 layers and covers a combined 34,000 square feet. The 2D view of the Home Designer project shows the Moasure points as red crosses and the elevation contours are at 1" increments. The 3D view shows actual rendered elevations.
I still have a lot of work to do on my project, but figured I'd share what I've accomplished so far. I'm not one who typically gives glowing reviews, but in this case I find very little to complain about. This device is incredible and I'm so glad I purchased it. I only wish Moasure was a public company so I could buy stock from them. :-)