Areas & Perimeters

Calculate the area & perimeter of complex shapes

Quickly and accurately calculate square footage and perimeter for any area. Moasure is the go-to tool for precision measurements, no matter the shape or size.

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How it works

Simplify area & perimeter measurements for every job

The ultimate tool for professionals who need precise measurements on the go.

Measure irregular shapes effortlessly

Using cutting-edge motion-based technology, Moasure empowers you to capture precise measurements for even the most complex job sites, whether they’re curved, irregular, or expansive.





Instantly calculate the perimeter of any space

As soon as your measurement is complete, the Moasure app generates an accurate visual diagram of the shape, including precise perimeter and area calculations. Use the layers calculator to subtract the area of one layer from another or combine multiple layers.

True surface area calculations made easy

Moasure calculates the area of your job site by utilizing your perimeter data. By capturing additional points inside your measurement, you can even determine the true surface area in 3D space – perfect for sloped or uneven terrain.





Impress your clients with in-app visuals

With diagrams automatically drawn, and instant calculations, your customers will love the ability to visualize measurements in several 2D and 3D views – all within the Moasure app.

Export your measurement data

When your measurement is complete, export your measurement data directly into your preferred CAD software or as a PDF, CSV, or image file. Moasure integrates seamlessly into your existing workflow, making it easier than ever to share and present accurate job site measurements.



Save time, maximize profits, & eliminate errors

Try Moasure today and experience the savings firsthand

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The fastest tool to measure complex spaces

See how Moasure makes calculating area and perimeter easier than ever in this short video.

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Hear real stories from customers using Moasure

Over 100,000 professionals already love using Moasure to quickly measure area & perimeter, saving them thousands of dollars each year.

Great addition to my fleet

"Between mapping out square footage on concrete jobs to giving me cut and fill references for accurate estimates, I feel like this tool will help me get the most accurate readings not leaving me eating costs that I overlooked. Thank you"

Blake Robinson

Concrete Contractor

Verified Review

Helped me win twice as many jobs than ever before

"What used to take me 30 minutes to estimate the square footage of a house has now been cut down to literally just 5 minutes."

Jerry Haecker

Property Maintenance

Verified Review

This little device is as essential to my business now

"I have used this tool to measure areas as small as 100 square feet to 23,000 square feet and it has yet to disappoint."

Jason's Outdoor Services


Verified Review

The accuracy has saved me time and reduced material wastage

"I use it for measuring perimeter and areas for turf installations. The accuracy has saved me time and reduced material wastage."

Mark Stevenson


Verified Review

Saves a significant amount of time and guess work

"The Moasure has really helped save a huge amount of time and provided far more accurate measurements of large irregular shaped areas which would otherwise be very difficult to achieve accurately."

Tom Bradley

Playground Design

Verified Review

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Why Moasure is the go-to tool for measuring area & perimeter

Moasure measures area and perimeter seamlessly, delivering faster, more consistent results across varied terrains.

Calculates true surface area

Works without line of sight

Automatically calculates area & perimeter

Works on uneven or sloped terrain

Speed of use over long distances

Ability to measure irregular shapes

Very fast







Very slow



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Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about using Moasure to measure area & perimeter.

Moasure 2 PRO has a perimeter measurement error of ±0.5%, and an area calculation error of ±1%.

In comparison, Moasure 2 has a perimeter measurement error of ±1%, and an area calculation error of ±2%.

Choosing the right Moasure device for you will depend on the level of accuracy you require for your projects.

Yes, Moasure is designed to handle even the most complex shapes and layouts with ease. Using advanced motion-sensing technology, Moasure captures the x, y, and z coordinates of each point as you move around the shape, allowing it to accurately map irregular perimeters and complex areas.

Whether it's a curved boundary, an irregular outline, or multiple areas within one measurement, Moasure can provide a detailed, dimensioned diagram of your entire layout.

Yes, Moasure captures x, y, & z data for each point you capture. All of this data can then be exported to DXF or DWG, ready to use across a wide range of CAD applications.

You can also use Moasure to generate detailed, scaled PDFs, edit data with CSV exports, or visualize measurements using PNG, JPG and SVG formats.


100% money-back guarantee

Every Moasure device is tested to ensure it meets our accuracy and precision standards.

Plus, every order comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee as standard.

Thousands of professionals have transformed their workflow with Moasure.

Give it a try and you’ll never look back.

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See what else Moasure can do

With a range of professional features available, learn more about each one here.